Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

New Abbess in Seligenthal
June 24, 2023

M. Christiane Hansen, the prioress from Helfta, has been elected and installed as the 44th Abbess of Seligenthal. The postulation  took place on May 9, in an election presided over by the Abbot General, as Father Immediate of Seligenthal, and today, June 24, after receiving  all of  the permissions from the Holy See, P. Bruno Robeck, President of the Saint Gertrude Congregation and delegate of the Abbot General, installed her as Abbess of Seligenthal.